Join us to make friends and have a good time!
Bring your friend, your boyfriend/girlfriend or just yourself. No partner necessary.
When and Where
Group Classes will resume in September. All Private lessons continue during the year.
When: Saturdays
Time: 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
6:00 pm - Level 1: Tango Basics
7:00 pm - Level 2: Fancy Moves
8:00 - 10:00 pm - Party
Location: Otello Lounge
2067 Broadway, 5th Floor
(Between 71st & 72nd Streets)
New York, NY 10023
Conveniently located near 1, 2, 3, B, C trains and buses!
Level 1: $15
Level 2: $15
Party: $10
** Classes are 55 minutes long.
Pre-Pay Here
Open Level: This class is open level. Participants will be matched by level. And new concepts are introduced in each class making it very interesting to everyone.
Level 1: Absolute beginners and Advanced beginners (up to a year learning Tango).
Level 2: Intermediate level (more than a year learning Tango).
Level 3: Only private lessons are offered at this level.
Our philosophy: Students learn at their own pace. Our classes are not competitive. We want that all feel accomplished by the end of the lesson whatever level they are at. This is a progressive type of dance class. We understand that everyone is different so we try to bring out the best in each one. We do try to encourage students to try more challenging moves. And we help them learn at their own pace if more time is needed. Some beginners come and learn in no time! Others need some extra help. Even thought this is a group class, it is important to us that we offer dedicated attention during the class.
For very specific questions or to learn a particular move or just to have the teacher's full attention, we recommend private lessons.
To sign up now
contact Laura at:
Or join meetup group to RSVP: www.meetup.com/nyc-tango-lover/
DISCLAIMER: By joining this group you hereby agree to assume all risks & liability related to or resulting from any & all group functions. You agree that neither you nor any third party will hold the group, any of the group's leaders, representatives, instructors, or sponsors liable for any injury, loss, or damage to your own person or any members of your family, friends, acquaintances, pets, or property, arising directly from or as a consequence of any group activity.